Yo yo yo… Now is 5pm and I din go out today… Stay at home whole day… Feel so empty at home… Just finish play with my stupid bro… I was watching Totally Spice and he put a lot of pillow on my back then lay on it… Dunno what he try to do… So that play with him awhile since that I have nothing to do… Haha… After that I was chase him until he run to the kitchen… Then I fast go and lock off the door to living room… Muahaha… evil me… After that lock off front door… HAHA!!! He cant come into living room… HAHA!! Stupid him… Din think twice and run to kitchen… so dam funny…
I was woke up at 11++ something today… My phone battery is empty…. I woke up and walk through mom’s room to charge my phone coz charger is at mom’s room… Then I on it to see is there any msg or miss call… haha… always imagine… stupid lah me…. Went to brush teeth but my favorite toothpaste finished! Oh.. wth… My mom still din renew it… haix… Then I find something to eat… But there nth on table… Sien lah.. always din tapau for me… haix… Bo bien lor… cook myself… Maggie mee? Frenfrice? Wedges?? Haha..
This few month really feel so annoying with the word of “love”… Swt!! I agree that I still dunno what the meaning of LOVE? What does it means?? Anyone can tell me?? Swt… Stupid love… HAHA!!!
Bout my best friend… EE XIN… swt… her English really good lor… How I wish I can have a nice English like her… swt!! I also wan tuition at ITS… swt… But who will send me? And it fee not really cheap oh… Dun really wanna add some more pressure for my mom… Coz she do really work till so XIN KU… kelian her… haix… I still cant help anything coz im just 15yrs old.. Sien lor… 15 yrs old…15yrs old… Alang Alang… Really suffer… But mayb there is more ppl suffer than me… Hehe… dunno lah….
Woah!! Write till so long liao… Nth do ba… got what then write what…. Haha… Tml start working lor… I dunno what am I going to do if I din work outside… Everyday stay at home play Maple Story ma?? So boring oh …. Control the char and keep on kill the mons… Without chatting without joking… Stupid lor… But it’s a good game to spend out my free time…
2 days holiday start… I feel like lost myself… SWT?? I was walk around the shop opposite my home… Dunno wanna go where… Sien lor… Today lazy liao… coz feel so stupid walk like that… haha… Where does my friend gone ah? I din find them they wont find me wor… Swt… I was reload my hp credit until I bankrupt… swt… Only left RM1 inside my purse… Sien lor… Really sux… No school = NO POCKET money… haix… if I din work really cant life lah… haha!!
Oh well… Tml im going to work… good for me also… Can control myself dun walk around simply… HAHA!!! This is my 1st time lor… Feel so excited… but my mom say will gib Tauke scold de oh… So suffer de Oh… HAHA!! I dun care lah… Coz I treat it with Playing around… Just like go shopping… HAHA!!! Stupid lah…
Finally… Bored at home!! Bored Bored Bored…. Stupid me… Crazy me… HAHAHAHA….
I wan go out!! I wanna drive!!! I wanna FLY… I dun wanna stay at home.. Stupid me…!! Swt..
*Crying* *Sad*
-Maureen Ng-